Tag - Restore gut health

Can Gut Rest Really Be the #1 Secret to Transforming Your Health? image

Can Gut Rest Really Be the #1 Secret to Transforming Your Health?

Last night, I found myself on a late flight, landing around 11:00 PM. I had my meal at 9:30 PM on the flight and only got to bed at 1:00 AM. This morning, I didn’t feel hungry until 12:00 PM.    Why?    Because my body signaled it was ready for food. I listened, waited patiently, and ate...

Gut Reset: Gut Health

Gut Reset: 3 Quick, Affordable, and Easy Ways to Restore Your Health

Gut health is the foundation of your overall well-being. Many people overlook how intricately connected the gut is to virtually every function in the body. Whether we’re talking about brain function, immunity, or even hormone regulation, it all ties back to the gut.      In my years of working with clients, I’ve seen firsthand how a...