Tag - Luke Coutinho's tips for deep sleep

7 Game-Changing Ways to Beat Sleep Deprivation and Wake Up Energized

Sleep Deprived? 7 Game-Changing Ways to Wake Up Energized!

When you woke up this morning, did you feel refreshed?   Or did your mind feel like a foggy battlefield, your body weighed down by invisible fatigue?    If so, you’re not alone.    In today’s grind culture, where sleepless nights are worn as badges of honor, the fundamental importance of sleep often gets lost. Sleep deprivation deeply impacts more...

sleep mistakes to avoid

Stop Making These 8 Sleep Mistakes!

“One of the most under-utilized, powerful, and natural drugs with zero side effects and a macro holistic healing effect is deep sleep. Use it well.” - Luke Coutinho Sleep is gold. You have heard me speak about how 1 in 4 people I consult with is chronically sleep-deprived umpteen times. So, instead of replaying the...