Tag - lifestyle

Top 7 Ways To Enhance Your Mood

With our fast-paced lives, we keep jumping from one task to another, one deadline to another, one meeting to another, one party to another, and so on and so forth. We seem to be in a constant rat race and all this running around and juggling various activities causes us to be constantly stimulated....

morning breathing exercise

Wake Up Energised! Morning Breathing Exercises

Breath or prana is our primary life force, without which life would simply cease to exist. However, we often take it for granted. Morning Breathing Exercises (MBEs) are a practice and technique that involve breathing exercises in the morning before you begin your day. Why do we prefer morning? Because, it is a particular...


Transforming Fear into Faith and Trusting Life

The last week of patient consults have been heavy, emotional and draining, not in a bad way but in a way that has made me push back, slow down and really reflect. In our practice, diagnosing a possible root cause is or prime importance. We have medical doctors to treat and medicate the symptoms...


Top 10 Things Mothers Love To Do During Pregnancy

“Carrying a baby is the most rewarding experience a woman can enjoy.” – Jayne Mansfield.   Pregnancy, indeed, is one of the most beautiful journeys of a woman’s life. A rollercoaster of emotions spread across a span of nine months, while pregnancy is physically and emotionally draining on many levels, the happiness that comes with the...

life lessons

Life Lessons Learnt From CEOs, Billionaires And Patients

The more I interact and speak to clients and patients from all across the world, different walks of life, different age groups - the more I learn. No matter where you are today in terms of health, wealth, career, relationships – these life lessons hold true for everyone and will never grow old. It...


Migraines are common, and here’s your possible fix

Migraine is a neurological condition that can cause multiple symptoms. Although, it is most commonly described as an intense, painful & debilitating headache. It can be preceded or accompanied by sensory warning signs such as (more…)

Mind Body

How to Keep Mind and Body Fit at Home ?

Exercises, both physical as well as mental are often the most neglected pillars of lifestyle the moment life gets busy. It’s quite common to hear “I missed my workouts because we were travelling or we had meetings all day or we had social commitments or I missed my meditation because I did not get...

Parkinson’s – Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

For all those who believe at face value that Parkinson’s has to rob you off your lifestyle ...Yes, it is a degenerative condition but it doesn’t mean you can’t slow it down or arrest it to slow down. Meet Mr. Vinod Mangaldas. What a Rockstar! Seventy-one years of age and has literally arrested his Parkinson’s...


Top 6 Workouts To Get Ripped

We all know it's all about immunity when it comes to protecting and healing yourself from disease. Gone are the days where walking on a treadmill or working out for 30 to 45 minutes was enough for your body if your goal was fat loss. Everyone reaches a weight loss plateau, that's how the...


Probiotics are a Must if You are on Antibiotics

Your gut requires both good and bad bacteria. But what's more important is the ratio. You need a ratio of more of the good bacteria and less of the bad bacteria. Antibiotics can wipe out your entire gut bacteria or your micro biome and that in turn impacts your immunity. 75 to 80 percent...

Using Lifestyle to Manage Acidity

There are so many people today who suffer from acid reflux, acidity, burping, bloating, flatulence. These are all forms of acidity which if not handled properly at the right time can cause innumerable ailments like cancer, diabetes, poor skin quality, poor inability to lose weight, poor hair quality and much more. Every cell in...


Understanding Acidosis

Consider any health condition, be it a cancer,  diabetes, cardiovascular issues, mild to severe migraines , headaches, obesity or simply the inability to lose weight , the root cause of all of these is having an “Acidic” body.  An acidic body doesn’t necessarily mean one would have to go through typical symptoms like acid...