Tag - integrative lifestyle medicine

For one 33-year-old working professional, pregnancy challenges took the form of severe nausea, back pain, and overwhelming food aversions.

Pregnancy Challenges? Learn How This 33-Year-Old Found Her Way to a Healthy Motherhood

Pregnancy is one of the most life-changing journeys a woman can experience, but it’s often accompanied by challenges that test her physical, emotional, and mental resilience. For one 33-year-old working professional, these challenges took the form of severe nausea, back pain, and overwhelming food aversions. However, with the support of our Head Nutritionist, Jesal...

Parkinson’s – Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

For all those who believe at face value that Parkinson’s has to rob you off your lifestyle ...Yes, it is a degenerative condition but it doesn’t mean you can’t slow it down or arrest it to slow down. Meet Mr. Vinod Mangaldas. What a Rockstar! Seventy-one years of age and has literally arrested his Parkinson’s...