Tag - DNA repair

Food as medicine

How To Use Food As Medicine: Insights from My Conversation with Dr. William Li

  "Goldilocks zone is that perfect zone for health defense where our body knows how to titrate the food just to give us what we need. It gets rid of anything that's extra, so we only have that perfect amount. Food can do this in a way that drugs can't. Foods are our kinder, gentler...

Foods that boost stem cell production

Can Food Choices Naturally Boost Your Stem Cell Production? Here’s the Truth!

We often hear about stem cells in specific medical contexts, such as childbirth or advanced cancer treatments.   However, did you know that every one of us is built up of stem cells? Yes, you read that right!   Stem Cells are the building blocks of our bodies! Present in every organ and tissue, unlike specialized cells, stem cells...

Choosing Hope Over Fear in the Face of Cancer 2 Years Later, Her Reports Continue To Be Clear

Choosing Hope Over Fear in the Face of Cancer: 2 Years Later, Her Reports Continue To Be Clear

Priscilla's journey of choosing hope over fear in the face of cancer. 2 years later, her reports continue to be clear. “Just like flowers do not bloom without some rain, this journey has not been all strength and courage but full of questions, doubts, and challenges. It took me a long time to accept my fate...


Want Glowing Skin and Lustrous Hair? THIS Mineral Is Important

Did you know sulfur is the third most abundant mineral element in the human body after calcium and phosphorus? From glowing skin, lustrous hair, and healthy fingernails to DNA repair - sulfur plays a crucial role in your body. And while you may read about it in scientific journals and your textbooks in school,...


10 Reasons Why Mushrooms Are Good for Your Health

Did you know in ancient India and China, mushrooms were given the moniker of the elixir of life and deemed the food of the gods? If you were to ask us why you should include these in your meals, we could list at least 101 reasons. Of course, while maintaining caution. Are you allergic...