Tag - Deep sleep

5 Sneaky Ways You Could Be Harming Your Stem Cells Without Even Realizing It!

#5 Will Shock You: 5 Sneaky Ways You Could Be Harming Your Stem Cells Without Even Realizing It!

When you get a cut, your body heals itself over time. You don’t have to tell it consciously; it just knows what to do. This miraculous ability to repair is largely driven by stem cells.      But did you know these cells are responsible for much more than healing cuts?      They repair organs, regenerate tissues, and are...

Sleep and cancer connection

The Sleep-Cancer Connection: How Rest Can Protect Your Body?

In my years of working with people battling cancer or chronic illnesses, I’ve learned one truth: the body has an incredible capacity to heal itself when given the right tools.   Sleep is one of those powerful tools and FREE medicines!   It’s easy to dismiss sleep as just another mundane part of life or to glamorize the...

5 Powerful Hacks to Unlock Peak Performance with Micro-Rest image

5 Powerful Hacks to Unlock Peak Performance with Micro-Rest

Micro-rest   How long did you sleep last night?      Did you manage to squeeze in eight hours, or did you catch only a few restless winks?      Perhaps, like so many, your body whispers or even shouts for a break, but your packed schedule barely leaves room for a full night’s rest.     Before the Industrial Revolution, our rest cycle was...

Reset Circadian Rhythm in 7 Smart Ways image

Reset Circadian Rhythm in 7 Smart Ways

    In the wild, animals and birds rise with the first light, rest as darkness falls, and maintain an unbroken rhythm with nature. Their lives move in sync with the sun, and as a result, they thrive. The rhythm of their day is unbroken and precise, all because they live in harmony with the cycle...

3 Scientifically Proven Lifestyle Changes That Are Helping Thousands of Our Clients Sleep Better

Quality sleep is the body’s natural reset button, which allows the body to recover. It plays a vital role in the body’s basic functionality and affects many different parts of our system. It is ingrained into us like a natural component and is partly responsible for our overall well-being. Due to a hectic lifestyle, most...

7 day cleanse

Feeling Sluggish and Heavy Post-Festive Season? Try This 7-Day Cleanse

I hope you had a great festive season. I have messages pouring in, saying, "Luke, I overate and drank too much. I am feeling sleep deprived, heavy, and sluggish. My skin and hair are looking and feeling dull. What should I do to cleanse my system?" It is all in the past. It was the...

night shift sleep tips-2

Working Night Shifts? Here Are 10 Ways to Sleep Better Today

Do you work night shifts? Photo Credit: Freepik/@DCStudio Remember how most of us grew up with the age-old adage that said, “Burn the midnight oil.” We were brainwashed to believe that if you wanted to attain success, you had to spend sleepless nights hustling to get there. Human beings are the only species that sacrifice...

reverse type 2 diabetes

Can You Reverse Type 2 Diabetes? High Blood Sugar Symptoms, Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes

India is the diabetic capital of the world. Did you know that 1 in 6 people with diabetes globally is from India? As you read this, 74.2 million people are battling diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle condition that  is affecting teenagers, middle-aged people, the elderly, and children too. Did you know Type 2...

sleep mistakes to avoid

Stop Making These 8 Sleep Mistakes!

“One of the most under-utilized, powerful, and natural drugs with zero side effects and a macro holistic healing effect is deep sleep. Use it well.” - Luke Coutinho Sleep is gold. You have heard me speak about how 1 in 4 people I consult with is chronically sleep-deprived umpteen times. So, instead of replaying the...


How Divine Grace Sustained Me

I hope each of you is doing well. As you know, I keep talking about divine grace and energy that exists in and around all of us. Yet, sometimes we move so fast in our lives or have too much chatter in the mind that we fail to realize its existence. Practicing mindfulness and reflection...

11 Health Benefits of Eating 6 Soaked Black Raisins a Day

How many of you grew up with your mothers and grandmothers encouraging you to soak nuts (almonds or black raisins) overnight before consuming them? Today we want to share a powerful practice that has existed in our country for centuries and can be a simple yet super impactful lifestyle change you could make today....