Tag - deep breathing

The Secret of Humming: A Path to Inner Calm image

The Secret of Humming: A Path to Inner Calm

Are you aware of your breathing right now?   Or did this question just bring it to your attention?   Typically, it's only when our nose is blocked or when pollution affects the air we breathe that we realize the significance of each breath. In moments of anxiety or chronic stress, our breathing becomes shallow and quick, signaling...

7-Day Fat Burn Challenge Just 4 Simple Changes To Start Today-2

7-Day Fat Burn Challenge: Just 4 Simple Changes To Start Today

The number of changes you can make to start fat burn are endless. As you read this, many of you may be struggling to shed stubborn fat or sustainably lose weight. You may feel frustrated and anxious. There is so much complication everywhere. Fad diet trends, expensive supplements, crazy and rigorous workout regimens. I am...

how to stimulate the vagus nerve

10 Simple and Inexpensive Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve Today

Every human being is born with certain powers. Yet, most of us don't even use these today. One such incredible intelligence within you is your ability to stimulate the vagus nerve. What is the vagus nerve? Vagus means wanderer in Latin, which describes how this nerve wanders over your body and reaches various organs. The vagus nerve...


Ladies, Struggling With Excessive Body Hair? THIS May Help

Ladies, are you struggling with unwanted hair growth on your face, chest, back, stomach, abdomen, buttocks, and other areas? Known as hirsutism, this condition is commonly linked to hormonal imbalance and Polycystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD). In this, a woman's body starts producing more androgens (male hormones) which can lead to excessive male-pattern hair growth...


Beyond Omicron: How to Activate Your Immune Army Using Lifestyle

As COVID-19 and its variant Omicron cases continue to rise across our cities, states, country, and the world, many of us have started 2022 with bouts of anxiety. But if there is one thing that we can tell you for sure and believe us, this is not to scare you. You will constantly hear about...

World Yoga Day

Why Did I Start To Embrace Yoga Into My Life

A couple of years ago, I looked down upon yoga, smirked upon it, said it's for old people, it's so slow and just some fancy flexible body doing stuff. With super high testosterone levels, my mind pressed towards heavier weights, aggressive sprints and HIIT. My mind was fast, aggressive and irritable when things didn’t...