Tag - cancer

Food as medicine

How To Use Food As Medicine: Insights from My Conversation with Dr. William Li

  "Goldilocks zone is that perfect zone for health defense where our body knows how to titrate the food just to give us what we need. It gets rid of anything that's extra, so we only have that perfect amount. Food can do this in a way that drugs can't. Foods are our kinder, gentler...

8 Science-Backed Benefits of Black Seed Oil: From Diabetes, Cancer, to Skin Health

In a world overflowing with powerful foods, natural remedies, and potent oils, it can be challenging to sift through the information and find what truly works, what doesn't, what is documented scientifically, and what is safe for human health. One natural herb that has stood the test of time and science is black seed...

Sleep and cancer connection

The Sleep-Cancer Connection: How Rest Can Protect Your Body?

In my years of working with people battling cancer or chronic illnesses, I’ve learned one truth: the body has an incredible capacity to heal itself when given the right tools.   Sleep is one of those powerful tools and FREE medicines!   It’s easy to dismiss sleep as just another mundane part of life or to glamorize the...

Stage 1 Ovarian Cancer to Clear PET Scan: Aishwarya’s Incredible Journey

"My life completely fell off its axis in September with a sudden unexpected discovery of a tumor on my ovary. I had to undergo urgent surgery - a complete hysterectomy due to a stage 1 ovarian cancer diagnosis. Having lost both my parents to cancer, I completely understood the importance of a holistic healing...


The Magic of Chamomile Tea: Apigenin For Sleep, Cancer, Immunity, and More

In today's fast-paced world, finding natural solutions to unwind, relax, and improve sleep is more important than ever. Chamomile tea, a centuries-old remedy, has gained popularity for its soothing effects on sleep, anxiety, mood, and more. But what makes this simple beverage so effective? The answer lies in a powerful plant flavonoid called Apigenin. Chamomile...

Phalguni Lost 14 Kgs, Reduced HbA1c After 6 Years, and Her Cancer Is Now in Remission!

Phalguni Lost 14 Kgs, Reduced HbA1c After 6 Years, and Her Cancer Is Now in Remission!

From Struggle to Strength: Phalguni lost 14 kgs, reduced HbA1c after 6 years, and her cancer is now in remission! Before and after "My journey with Team Luke and Vidhi started after my cancer treatment. I was told I had thyroid cancer and my lymph nodes were affected. So once the surgery and ablation were done,...

Foods that boost stem cell production

Can Food Choices Naturally Boost Your Stem Cell Production? Here’s the Truth!

We often hear about stem cells in specific medical contexts, such as childbirth or advanced cancer treatments.   However, did you know that every one of us is built up of stem cells? Yes, you read that right!   Stem Cells are the building blocks of our bodies! Present in every organ and tissue, unlike specialized cells, stem cells...


End of Life? Only If You Let It Be!

If all treatments and medicines have stopped working, you have been told this is end of life, there is something powerful and free you can still try. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Let me be clear—I am not against medicine. Medicine saves lives. But what happens when medicine no longer works?...

1 Powerful Lesson on Hope and Never Giving Up From My Incredible Cancer Clients

1 Powerful Lesson on Hope and Never Giving Up From My Incredible Cancer Clients

I remember having a beautiful call with a young patient last year. She had stage 4 cancer. She said many (if not all) people around her had lost hope, including her doctors. She said, "I don't know what will happen to me, Luke. But hope is everything. Even if someone gives me or makes me...

Choosing Hope Over Fear in the Face of Cancer 2 Years Later, Her Reports Continue To Be Clear

Choosing Hope Over Fear in the Face of Cancer: 2 Years Later, Her Reports Continue To Be Clear

Priscilla's journey of choosing hope over fear in the face of cancer. 2 years later, her reports continue to be clear. “Just like flowers do not bloom without some rain, this journey has not been all strength and courage but full of questions, doubts, and challenges. It took me a long time to accept my fate...

ginger benefits

From Nausea and Brain Health to Cancer: 11 Benefits of the Almighty Ginger

This unassuming spice lies freely in most homes. Often unused to its maximum potential. While some love it, some despise it due to its strong flavor. But today, it is being studied for its highly anti-inflammatory benefits when it comes to treating colorectal cancer too. It is even found in various organic cosmetics. It...

beetroot benefits-2

1 Super Veggie, 10 Benefits: Have You Added This Inexpensive Root Vegetable to Your Plate?

When you and I eat this vegetable, it instantly turns our tongues into a deep red hue. Most of us grew up having a love-hate relationship with it. This inexpensive vegetable would always find its place in everything from your sandwich to sabzis and even salads. Scientific studies show how this humble vegetable can...