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natural tonic ingredients

Natural Tonic To Keep Blood Clean And Toxin Free

Detoxifying your body is one of the most important things you can do for maintaining good health, adequate energy levels, boosting the immune system and losing body fat. Starting your day with a natural detox is a great way to reboot your system, revitalize your body, and feel charged throughout the day. Our early...


The Importance Of Vitamin D For Your Bones, Digestion And Much More

Vitamin D is extremely important for your overall health. Adults, children and even aged population vitamin D is essential for one and all. Deficiency of this small vitamin could lead to several diseases. We need the right amount of vitamin D for the absorption of calcium. Calcium plays an important role in keeping the...

world cancer day

Top 4 Lifestyle Changes To Make To Prevent Diseases

Every year 4th February is marked as World Cancer Day. The significant day is organized by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). Every year World Cancer Day has a different theme. This year the theme is “I can, we can”. The day focuses to spread awareness about the disease and that everyone has...

cold water therapy

An Easy And Inexpensive Way To Improve Your Skin Quality

Now days we all look for various creams, serums and moisturizers to improve the quality of skin. But these skin products might be laced with chemicals which might be harmful for your skin. Today we talk about an easy, inexpensive way to improve your skin quality, clean and tighten pores, improve the elasticity of...


Chewing – A Simple Change to Boost Your Digestive Health

We live in a complicated world today. We are constantly on a lookout for things to spend our money on, gadgets that could improve our health, etc, but have forgotten about the intelligence and beauty of nature and our own body. Nature has given us everything we need to maintain good health – immune...

belly fat

Top Six Reasons Why People Struggle To Lose Weight & Belly Fat Even After Watching Their Diet & Exercising

We have had hundreds of patients who have come to us for weight loss. So what I have done is I have summarized the top six reasons why people struggle to lose that belly fat and weight even when they start getting on to a good diet and they start exercising regularly. (more…)

plastic bottle

Moving Away from Plastic is the Need of the Hour

We all grew up with our stuff being in plastic. Our lunches and sandwiches were packed in plastic tiffin boxes . We never questioned that as we never knew about its effects on health. It would be practically impossible for any of us to get plastic out of our life completely but the point...

after meal mix

Facing Digestion Issues? This Quick After-Meal Mix Can Help You!

Has it been long since digestive issues have been interfering with your health? Poor digestion is undoubtedly a sign of poor health and there is something that you must do about it . We have previously spoken about different kinds of foods that can help improve digestion. In this article, we will talk about...

traditional food

Going Back To Your Roots And Living At Your Healthiest Best

A healthy lifestyle is the magic drug which can help you live a healthy and fit life. For living a healthy lifestyle, you need to have a strong immune system which depends on how fit you are. Good health can be determined by your ability to use your body and mind around 10 or...

पानी पीने की कला

यदि एक तरफ खाना खाने की कला है तो उसी तरहपानी पीने की कला भी है। मानव शरीर 70 से 80 अरब कोशिकाओं से बने होते हैं और इन कोशिकाओं में से 75 से 80 प्रतिशत पानी से बने होते हैं। उन्हें पानी की आवश्यकता होती है - चयापचय (मेटबॉलिक) गतिविधि के लिए, एक...

child nutrition

Nutrition For Kids: Guidelines For A Healthy Diet

When it comes to food, little ones are the most difficult to please. Place a bowl of healthy oats mixed with fruits and they will reject it. Offer them a burger or pizza and see them gobble it up with glee in their faces. Exasperating, isn’t it? Children often fret over food choices and are...

kids diet

अपने बच्चों को खिलाने के लिए मजबूर मत करो

बच्चों को खिलाने के लिए शारीरिक और मनोवैज्ञानिक तरीकों का सहारा लेना लंबे समय तक उनके लिए हानिकारक हो सकता है। माता-पिता के रूप में हम सभी को आपके बच्चे के लिए स्वस्थ खाने की आदतों का महत्व पता है। हमें अपने बच्चे को एक संतुलित आहार प्रदान करने की आवश्यकता है जिसमें सभी...