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Crack the Code for a Healthy Set of Genes

Your DNA is the computer system of your body. Its the brain of each cell. Poor DNA health has connections with almost every disease from Cancer to Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular, kidney, liver, brain. Actually, everything that involves a cell – be it gut health, obesity, fat gain or hormones. (more…)

Look After Your Mitochondria & Boost Your Health

We can buy all the creams, pills and medicines in the world but if our mitochondria is not functioning the right way, we will still age rapidly, your skin will look dull, you will put on weight, lose hair, feel tired and be prone to conditions like - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Autism,...

wellness market

Our Luke’s Wellness Market turns 1!

It was exactly a year ago on the 17th of December, 2018, we launched our first ‘free trade’ farmers and wellness market. We use the word - free trade, as we wanted to create a platform where every rupee goes back to the farmers directly, no middleman, no rental cost, no table cost and...

Meraki Essential Oils

An introduction to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy

Plants produce fragrant essences in secretory cells, using nutrients from the soil, water, light and warmth from the sun. These essences are defined as the life force energy, soul or spirit of the plant. While these essences are extracted from the plant or herbs by distillation & other methods, the resultant naturally occuring  aromatic...